articles catalogue

NDR 2024 – Upcoming Parental Leave Enhancements: Are They Enough?

A survey commissioned by Cultivate SG and conducted by Milieu Insight suggests that societal attitudes on parenthood and work commitments may pose a challenge to take-up rates in the increases to paternity leave and shared parental leave.

The Childcare Conundrum: Who to care for baby?  

Childcare in Singapore
Welcoming a newborn into the family is a joyous and life-changing experience, but who will take care of baby when Mum and Dad have to go back to work? In this article, we explore some options for childcare.

Update from Cultivate Commune: Singlehood, Marriage, and Friendships  

Cultivate Commune is a breakfast conversation where we explore how big ideas are planted in real community experiences. In this third Commune on 6 July 2024, we heard from two long-time friends, one married with children and one single. What can we do to sustain our friendships through different life stages of marriage or having children?

On Social Media and Touching Grass

Social media has enabled us to connect with others like never before, but why are people feeling lonelier? Research shows that we all need social contact with other people to keep mentally fit, and to feel connected and appreciated.

More For You

Our Wishlist for Budget 2024: A Singapore Made for Families

Budget 2024 is just ahead. It will allocate government money to priorities for the next financial year, and reflects the government’s future plans for the country.

Human Rights of the Family (Part 2): Family as the Basic Building Block of Society 

Consistent with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Singapore Government has affirmed and emphasised the foundational importance of the family unit in its laws and policies. This is even in the midst of debates over the meaning and definition of “family”.

Human Rights of the Family (Part 1): The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 

10 December 2023 marked the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. One provision declares that “The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.” How did this come about?

What we are reading

Articles here are for perspective and may not represent our views