articles catalogue

Cultivate Culture: How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies

Tear-jerking Thai film “How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies” invites us to reflect: Do we see our relationships in purely transactional terms, or do we genuinely love people – especially the elderly and sick – as persons worthy to be loved?

Update from Cultivate Commune: Large Families

Cultivate Commune is a breakfast conversation where we explore how big ideas are planted in real community experiences. In this second Commune on 31 May 2024, two couples with large families shared with us about their joys, challenges and perspectives.

From Third World to First: Lee Kuan Yew’s Take on Family Values

“Singapore depends on the strength and influence of the family to keep society orderly and maintain a culture of thrift, hard work, filial piety and respect for elders and for scholarship and learning.” - Lee Kuan Yew

What are “Good Enough” Marriages?

From a child’s perspective, “good enough” marriages are those where there is a low level of conflict between parents. Based on research, it would be better for children in the long term to reconcile such “good enough” marriages instead of divorce.

More For You

Words make conversation

Words make conversation, and clarity breeds communication. We can grow the good, one conversation at a time because interpersonal dialogue humanises us.

Human Rights of the Family (Part 1): The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 

10 December 2023 marked the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. One provision declares that “The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.” How did this come about?

Human Rights of the Family (Part 2): Family as the Basic Building Block of Society 

Consistent with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Singapore Government has affirmed and emphasised the foundational importance of the family unit in its laws and policies. This is even in the midst of debates over the meaning and definition of “family”.

What we are reading

Articles here are for perspective and may not represent our views