Tag: Singapore

Online Sexual Harms Article Singapore.

Online Sexual Harms: Why We Urgently Need More Protections

With our high digital connectivity, the lines between public and private life are often blurred or breached. This is especially serious in the context of online sexual harms, which disproportionately affect women, children and lower-income groups. More needs to be urgently done to combat online harms and protect the common good

Update from Cultivate Commune: Large Families

Cultivate Commune is a breakfast conversation where we explore how big ideas are planted in real community experiences. In this second Commune on 31 May 2024, two couples with large families shared with us about their joys, challenges and perspectives.

What are “Good Enough” Marriages?

From a child’s perspective, “good enough” marriages are those where there is a low level of conflict between parents. Based on research, it would be better for children in the long term to reconcile such “good enough” marriages instead of divorce.

Cultivate Unpacks: Sex and Gender

Cultivate Unpacks is a series to unpack some of the current terms being used in social discourse today. In this piece, we look at “sex” and “gender”.

Social Media: “Burn” Someone, or Light the Way?

Imagine that you have a flaming torch in your hand. The fire at the end of the torch emits both heat and light. You can use this torch to set fire and burn someone or something, or you can use it to light a path in the darkness.

Is Identity Politics Always Bad?

There are two kinds of identity politics. “Common enemy” identity politics tends towards polarisation, division and conflict, while “common humanity” identity politics tends towards social harmony. We should have more of the latter, and less of the other.

Update from Cultivate Commune: The Roles of Fathers and Mothers in Parenting

Our first Cultivate Commune – a breakfast conversation where we explore how big ideas are planted in real community experiences - kicked off on Friday, 12 April 2024. We saw two stay-home fathers anchoring an insightful discussion over various topics centred around parenting and children.

Prime Minister-in-waiting Lawrence Wong: What Challenges Lie Ahead?

Lawrence Wong will take over as Singapore’s fourth Prime Minister on 15 May. Some of his immediate challenges include the rising cost of living, falling total fertility rate, and threats posed by divisive identity politics and tribalism. Will he be able to rally the support of society to tackle them?

Can We Afford (More) Divorces?

Divorces have many social costs, and this affects the economy and taxpayers. Are we prepared to do more to save marriages, for the sake of the next generation?

Flexible Work Arrangement Guidelines: Game-changer, or not?

The new Tripartite Guidelines on Flexible Work Arrangement Requests tip the scale in the balance between work and caregiving responsibilities. But to maximise their effect, both employees and employers should exercise responsibility and mutual understanding, and a wider cultural change is still needed.