Research & Recommendations

Parenthood and Work Survey 2024

Cultivate commissioned Milieu Insight to do a survey on parenthood and work. The online survey covered 1000 Singaporean respondents, including 600 parents.

Institute of Policy Studies Singapore Perspectives “Youth” Conference 2024

Cultivate SG attended the “Singapore Perspectives” conference, which is the annual flagship conference of the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS). The theme of this year’s conference was “Youth”. The conference was based on the idea that today’s young people are coming of age in a period of unprecedented change on many fronts – socio-economic, technological, demographic, even the “nuclear family”.

Public Consultation on Maintenance of Racial Harmony Bill

“Without shared ideas on politics, morals and ethics no society can exist,” wrote Sir Patrick Devlin.

Public Consultation on Gene Editing

As poet and environmental activist Wendell Berry wrote, the question of human limits “finally rests upon our attitude toward our biological existence, the life of the body in this world”.

latest Publications

Words make conversation

Words make conversation, and clarity breeds communication. We can grow the good, one conversation at a time because interpersonal dialogue humanises us.

Human Rights of the Family (Part 1): The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 

10 December 2023 marked the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. One provision declares that “The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.” How did this come about?

Human Rights of the Family (Part 2): Family as the Basic Building Block of Society 

Consistent with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Singapore Government has affirmed and emphasised the foundational importance of the family unit in its laws and policies. This is even in the midst of debates over the meaning and definition of “family”.

what we are reading?

Articles here are for perspective and may not represent our views