Contact Us
If you have any thoughts you would like to share with us, or would simply like to get in touch with us, please use the form below:

1. Submit your letter to with the subject header “Community Voices -”, followed by the title of your letter. For example, “Community Voices – Racial and religious harmony is important in Singapore”.
2. Include the following details* :
- Your full name
- Your address
- Your contact number
3. Please write in a way that is short (500 words or less), easy to understand and accessible to everyone.
4. Put the text of your letter in the email itself (do not send it as an attachment).
5. Insert the links to any sources you may cite.
6. We may edit your letter. If so, we will provide you with the edited draft for your approval. Please respond within a week. If not, we will take it that you have agreed to the edited draft.
* Your address and contact number will be kept confidential. We may contact you to verify the details. Only your name will be published together with the letter.
1. Do not submit a letter to us which has been published anywhere else.
2. Do not submit the same (or similar) letter to any other platform. However, if we do not get back to you within a week of receiving your letter, you may proceed to submit or publish the letter elsewhere.
3. As the writer, you will take sole responsibility for the contents of your letter. Do not write anything that is defamatory, spreads misinformation, is against racial or religious harmony, incites violence or any offence, or violates the law in any way.
Please note our Guidelines for Community Voices submissions: share your thoughts
PDPA Notice
We collect, use and disclose personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act. We will ensure that the personal data you have provided will only be applied towards the purposes that you have consented, unless we are allowed or required by law to do otherwise.
For more information please refer to our Privacy Policy.